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Generative Design Studio

myVisual: An Evaluation Tool for Interior Environment and Circulations

A visual complexity evaluation tool that assess spatial feature properties, quantity of features, and arrangement of features

A.Lin & Z.Pokat(2022)

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Assessing Longevity of Buildings through Flexibility: A Tool to Calculate Architectural Flexibility

A computational tool to assess the longevity of buildings by assessing the current and potential flexibility of buildings

Z.D. Simone & TX Zheng(2022)

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Custom Task Track Light

A novel tool that generates a human-centered, modular track and smart light to improve productivity and save energy

D.A.M.I.: Dynamic Anthropometric Modeling Tool

A kinect-based  modeling tool for continuous posture evaluation and spatial layout optimization for patient rooms

J.Ingram, K.Katayama, J.Luh & P.Tang(2022)


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Generative Renovation: Identify Optimal Renovation Transformations

Generating Outdoor Paths Optimized for Wheelchair Travel

a method to determine an optimal transformation between a current floorplan and target diagram via graph edit distance optimization

A tool that can generate paths in any outdoor spaces to make the experience accessible and enjoyable for wheelchair users

C.Pugh, C.Zhang & Z.Hu(2022)

T.Liu, L.Li & L.Gach(2022)

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GenMask: A Design Tool for Face Mask Fabrication

Optimize mask design through measuring mask fitting, comfort for breathability, and efficient coverage of vital facial features

AI-Based Composition Optimization for Rendering

A method for creating a program and a dataset to help a user find the most exciting views of their digital model

A.Vira, J.Gardner & K.Kim(2020)

R.O’Malley, S.O’Neill & M.Canabarro(2020)


Design + Augmented Intelligence Lab

2427 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
t. 607.255.3145

f. 607.255.0305

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