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MultiMind: A Brain-Computer Interface Design Tool that Predicts Live Emotion to Enhance Metacognitive Monitoring of Designers

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Modulating the feelings of confidence toward design options and metacognitive monitoring are important components of design intuition. We find not many creativity support tools explored the potential of biofeedback to aid design processes in this regard. In the current study, we present “Multi-Self,” a BCI-VR design tool that aims to enhance metacognitive monitoring during architectural design. It evaluates designers’ own valence and arousal to their design work and presents designers with their biofeedback visually in real-time. A pilot proof-of-concept study with 24 participants was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the tool. Interview responses regarding the accuracy of the feedback were mixed. The majority of the participants found the feedback mechanism useful and the tool elicited metacognitive feelings and stimulated explorations of the design space while modulating subjective feelings of uncertainty.

Research Team:

Qi Yang, Shuo Feng, Saleh Kalantari


Yang, Q., Feng, S., & Kalantari, S. Co-Design with Myself: A Brain-Computer Interface Design Tool that Predicts Live Emotion to Enhance Metacognitive Monitoring of Designers. Available at SSRN 4376560.

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